Privacy Policy
The Restore Trust Privacy Statement
1 - Introduction
The Restore Trust takes your privacy seriously. We will only ever use your data to provide you with the services you have requested from us. We will always look after your data and will only share it if you have asked us to do so or agreed that we can.
However, The Restore Trust also take our Safeguarding responsibilities seriously. It is important that we help protect children and vulnerable adults from potential harm. As required by law, and on very rare occasions, we may share your data if we think you or another person may be at risk of harm. You can read more about this in ‘Safeguarding’ section 10 below.
2 - Who are we?
The Restore Trust is a Bristol based, not for profit, social enterprise that supports people access training and work. Our services aim to improve the quality of life of individuals and their communities by building personal confidence and resilience.
All members of the community are welcome at the Restore Trust but particularly those who are often excluded from such opportunities due longstanding disadvantage including criminal records, poor housing, low self-esteem, a disrupted education, health issues and long- term unemployment.
As a Social Enterprise, we are committed to sustainable growth to enable us to continue to support our local communities in the longer term. The Restore Trust was established in 2009, is overseen by a voluntary Board and has a small team of paid employees. We have no shareholders and all funds are reinvested to improve services.
3 - What do we do?
We offer services to help people access sustainable and fulfilling employment. We understand that our clients may need to access a range of other services and we firmly believe that collaborative working delivers the greatest value to individuals and the wider community. We are committed to working in partnership with the public, private and voluntary sectors to contribute to positive social change and increase social inclusion and social justice.
However, we will only share your data with partners if you have asked us to do so. See also Safeguarding below Section 10.
We also actively support employers by providing ‘sector-based academies’ in partnership with training providers. This arrangement guarantees interviews for course participants and motivated applicants for employers
As part of these wider aims, The Restore Trust also contributes to social justice by providing social housing in properties that we had previously restored and renovated.
4 - Why do we collect data on our clients?
Our services are funded by local and national government and other funders so that we can provide them free to you. As part of evidencing our work, we collect data to show the activity that we have done to support you into learning, training or work. We only collect data for this purpose or to help improve our services.
On some occasions, where a person may not be eligible for a funded service, we provide it free from Restore Trust reserves and collect data to allow us to provide this service. Data is not collected for any other purpose.
5 - What sort of data do we collect?
We only collect information to enable us to draw down funding to offer the service free to you. We do not collect it for any other purpose. It is shared securely with the main funding agency who only use the information to validate funding payments to us and to understand if services are reaching all parts of the community.
The information collected varies depending on what is required by our funding agreements. We will collect data from you when you are offered a service. We will ask you to sign some paperwork and you can ask questions at any point. We will ask you to agree that we can collect data and share it with partners to help you access learning, training and work. This is called ‘informed consent’ and we will ask you to sign some paperwork to say this has happened.
This allows us to contact other organisations on your behalf if you ask us to. You can request that certain information is not shared. We will respect your wishes but it may limit the work we can do. See also Safeguarding Section 10 below.
You can discuss this with your case worker at any time or call us 0117 9427000 with any questions.
6 - We collect:
- Contact Details
- Eligibility for the Service: for example
- Proof of your identity - this can include a copy of a driving licence of passport.
- Proof of unemployment – this can include a letter from Jobcentre Plus or a letter from a referring agency who can confirm that you are unemployed
- Proof that you are eligible to work in the UK
- Proof that you are on a current Probation Order or Licence – to qualify for specialist services which focus on helping those with a criminal record.
- Information about your previous experience and the support you would like to access
- Evidence of achievement: for example, entering work or training
- Information about your previous offences
In all cases, we ensure that we have your contact details so we can contact you to let you know about learning and work opportunities, your next visit or other activity that you have agreed with your case worker. We do not share these with anyone else unless you have specifically asked us to do so e.g. with a provider of a specialist service that you want to access or an employer.
We could use this to help you build a CV or to understand the sort of additional specialist services that you might want to access. It is up to you what you tell us, and we will look after your information and only use it for the purposes we agree together.
We might ask you for a letter from your employer or to see your training certificate. This will be agreed with you. This allows us to prove that we have offered you support and that you have achieved what you wanted to do.
If you are accessing speciality services for those with a criminal record, we might need to understand your previous offences to allow us to help you with disclosure of your criminal record to an employer. This information is kept on our most secure system (CATs) which is provided by the Government. We will never share this with any other third party unless you specifically give us permission to do so. We will discuss activity with your offender manager, so they can see the progress you are making.
7 - What do we do with your data?
Restore Trust keep your data on paper forms and / or upload it onto systems provided by our National Funders. As explained above, this is to allow us to draw down funding for the work we do so the service to you is free.
The Restore Trust and National Funders’ Systems are secure and data is held in the UK or in the EU as required by law.
We securely shred any paper-based data that is not required as evidence or when it has been scanned and uploaded. We keep the uploaded information for the minimum time required by law or by the contract – see below section 11.
8 - How do we keep your data safe?
The Restore Trust premises are secure and personal data is held in locked cabinets in a part of the building that is not accessed by the public.
Access to the Restore Information System and the Funders’ Systems are password protected and only staff with specific permission can access these systems. All Restore Trust staff hold an enhanced Disclosure and Barring (DBS) certificate as part of being cleared to work at Restore Trust.
Information regarding our clients’ criminal records is held on the most secure system which is provided by the Government (CATs). Personal information is only every sharing using the secure email system CJSM (Criminal Justice Secure Mail).
Staff receive annual training on looking after data and Restore Trust has a range of policies which guide staff on Data Protection and Information Security. The CEO has Data Protection responsibilities and these requirements are overseen by the Restore Trust Board.
Laptops are encrypted and we back up our data every night. Our computers are networked so that we can manage data in a secure way.
We use Office 365 systems which are considered to meet commercial security standards. We only use Outlook or CJSM for emails.
If you would like to know more about how we keep your data secure, then please call 0117 9427000.
9 - Who do we share your data with and why?
We only share your information for 4 reasons.
- 1 – You have asked us to contact other providers as part of the service we offer you. You will have signed an ‘informed consent’ form as part of this process. If there is any information you do not want shared, please let your adviser know. Some information we must share by law – see Section 10 below.
- 2 – We need to submit summary data to our local and national funders to allow us to draw down funding for the service so it remains free to you.
- 3 – If you were referred to a course or service, we will share the results of the course, your attendance and progress with the organisation that referred you.
- 4 – As part of a legal requirement we may share your data if we believe that you or another individual is at risk of harm (see Section 10).
10 - What is Safeguarding?
Safeguarding means protecting children and vulnerable adults’ health, wellbeing and human rights.
There is a wide range of legislation and government guidance in place, such as the Disclosure and Barring Service (DBS), to ensure safeguarding is carried out properly and in the right places.
All organisations that work, or come into contact with, children or vulnerable adults need to have safeguarding policies and procedures in place. This includes voluntary and community groups, faith groups, private sector providers, schools, hospitals and sports clubs.
The Restore Trust has safeguarding policies and procedures which detail the practical measures we will undertake to protect the vulnerable groups we work with or who live in our wider community. This includes a code of conduct detailing the type of behaviour expected from staff, and details of how they will be vetted to ensure their suitability to work within the organisation. All Restore staff have an enhanced DBS check which lets us know about any previous conviction whether they are spent or not.
On the very rare occasions where we have genuine and evidenced concerns that you or another individual might be at risk, we may share your data with another agency e.g. the local authority, probation services, police or health services. This decision will be made by the CEO. In many cases we will discuss this with you. However, in the most extreme cases we may act first to ensure that you or other individuals are protected.
If you want to know more about this, please call 0117 942 7000.
11 - How long do we keep your data?
We aim to keep the least amount of data for the shortest amount of time. However, we are required by law to keep some data to prove the work we did together.
If you have received a service from us paid for by national funding, then we will keep your data for the length of the active contract and any other tax or legal minimum times e.g. 6 years for UK funded projects and up to 12 years for European funded projects (after the end of the contract). However, we only keep the minimum required to demonstrate that you had a service and what you achieved.
If you have only attended a course, we will delete your data after 12 months.
We keep data securely archived on Restore Trust premises or held electronically on systems provided to us by the national funders.
If you want to know more about this, please call 0117 942 7000.
12 - What if you want your data removed from our systems?
Under new legislation in force from 25.5.18, you have the right for your data to be accurate, up to date, appropriate, portable and also able to be deleted. If you want your data to be deleted from our systems, please speak to reception on 0117 942 7000. We will ask you to complete a short form. We will also pass your request to our funders as much of your data is held on their systems. We will agree a plan and let you know what we are going to do within 1 month of your request.
13 - What if you want to know the data we hold on you?
If you want to know what data we hold on you, you can ask us. This is called a Subject Access Request (SAR). We will ask you to complete a short form and get back to you with the data we hold on you within 1 month of receipt of your completed form. This service is usually free. For more information please call 0117 942 7000.
14 - Is there anything else you want to know?
Please call us on 0117 942 7000