Criminal Justice
The Restore Trust has particular specialism in criminal justice work. We are committed to supporting the resettlement and reintegration of offenders back into mainstream society.
- We know that research demonstrates that stable employment and accommodation are significant factors that reduce reoffending and by provision of our bespoke employment pathway support and signposting to specialist accommodation providers we have an impact on reducing crime.
- We support our clients to address their complex needs by provision of additional wrap around support if required to enable them to make positive life choices.
- The Restore Trust owns specialist resettlement accommodation managed by one of our partners to support IOM prolific offenders who would otherwise be homeless on release from prison to manage the transition from custody to community and their reintegration back into mainstream society.
- The Restore Trust have an excellent understanding of the Rehabilitation of Offenders Act 1974 and offer advice and support to clients on spent and unspent convictions and how to appropriately disclose to employers. We can also offer specialist risk and disclosure advice to external agencies.
- The Restore Trust work in partnership with BGSW probation Community Rehabilitation Company (BGSW CRC) to provide employability workshops and meaningful activity for Community Payback placements for clients completing their community payback hours.
To make a referral to our Criminal Justice services:
Please contact: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or tel: 0117 942 7000